Paramount Landscaping - Community Involvement - Carpenters-hospice

The Carpenter Hospice, located in the heart of Burlington Greater Toronto Area, provides individuals and their families, with high quality palliative care in a home- like setting. The Carpenter Hospice is fortunate to receive special support from many generous partners in our community. These partners contribute each year by way of the Close To Our Hearts Gala, through third party fundraisers and general donations that are collected throughout the year.

The Hospice could not continue this charitable service without the support of the partners and donors. The opportunity to use The Carpenter Hospice during one’s final days is not based on financial ability as there is no fee. The hospice is dependent on the generosity of the community and fundraising for the majority of its operation revenue. A couple years ago one of our Management team had a member of his family in the home and upon visiting the it we knew that this was a very necessary community service. Paramount Landscaping proudly takes care of the property year round, from property maintenance, snow removal to spring and fall cleanups, pond maintenance and repair etc. We have also taken the reins to help manage the other donating companies that come in for a day to help out around the property, mulching gardens, planting annuals etc. Our plan was that by taking on the outdoor care of the property, this would give the staff inside more time to deal with what they do best and spend time with their patients and family members.

To donate visit: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/id/49986